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Insert images into your PDF documents using the Clipart tool. Clicking the Clipart icon brings up the clipart gallery; find the image you want to insert and double-click it to add it to the document. Once inserted, click and drag the 1. rotation or 2. size handles to modify the image, or click and drag the image itself to move it around. If you want to insert one of your own images, click Create in the bottom right-hand corner of the clipart gallery window and follow the prompts.
The Nitro PDF Professional Watermark tool does everything the image tool does and more. The Watermark tool allows you to apply an image to one, several or all pages in the PDF, and also allows you to add special content like page numbering. Watermarks are usually used to add standard marks to every page of the document (such as "not for release" or "draft").
To add a watermark, click the watermark icon to open the wa